Today is the 20th Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act
Vice President Joe Biden does not mince words when it comes to "the most vicious form of violence there is."
Speaking to the TODAY Show about Ray Rice's banishment from the NFL, he said: "It's never, never, never the woman's fault. No man has a right to raise a hand to a woman. No means no."
Today marks the 20th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act, which Biden helped author when he was U.S Senator. The law provides greater funding for the investigation of incidents of domestic violence, and according to the White House, has lowered the rate of intimate partner violence by 67% since it's enactment. The legislation also expanded the number of shelters and rape crisis centers across America and established a national hotline. Check out this infographic:
Clearly there is still work to be done.
As Vice President Biden told TODAY:
The next challenge is making sure, ironically, we get college presidents and colleges to understand that they have a responsibility for the safety of women on their campus. They have a responsibility to do what we know from great experience works. Bringing the experts. Provide people, give the young woman the support that she needs. Psychological support. the medical support, and if need be, the legal support. Societal changes taking place. It takes time. But I really believe it's taking root, and we have an obligation to just keep pushing it.
All students deserve to know if their school is maintaining a safe environment. There is a bill being considered in the U.S. Senate called the Campus Safety and Accountability Act that would require colleges to publish their sexual assault statistics online so that parents and students can make an informed choice when comparing universities. If you support this bipartisan legislation, you can add your name here.