Woman Responds to Her C-Section Being Called 'Easy'

A Missouri mother's viral Facebook post about being judged for having a C-section shows that people will criticize moms for anything, even their preferred method of childbirth.
In a post shared on August 19, Facebook user Raye Lee tore apart the argument that women who have the surgery don't "actually give birth" and "take the easy way out." Lee broke down why that description is anything but true.
After nearly 40 hours in labor, her baby went into distress and "every contraction was literally STOPPING his HEART."
"Having a shrieking infant pulled out of an incision that is only 5 inches long, but is cut and shredded and pulled until it rips apart through all of your layers of fat, muscle, and organs (which they lay on the table next to your body, in order to continue to cut until they reach your child) is a completely different experience than I had imagined my [son's] birth to be," she wrote. "This was not pleasant. It still isn't."
She added that the operation caused her extreme physical challenges:
"When that first nurse asked you to try getting out of bed and the ripping pain of a body cut apart and stitched back together seared through you, you realized the irony of anybody who talks about it being the 'easy way out.' So fuck you and fuck how you see what I did. I am the strongest woman that I know. Not only for myself, but for my beautiful son... and I would honestly go through this every single day just to make sure I am able to see his smiling face."
Her post has already been shared more than 20,000 times.
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In 2014, writer Natalie Seider wrote in a piece for BlogHer that she was made to feel like a failure how she gave birth.
"Now over two years later I blame the media and birth propaganda for making me feel like a failure and taking away some of the excitement of [my kid's] birth. Yes I do believe there are [too] many unnecessary C-sections in this country, but who am I to judge how another woman brings new life into this world? It’s none of my business. It’s also unfair that women who have medically necessary cesareans need to preface their birth with this fact so that they aren’t judged. Even with [my child's birth] being a 100 percent medically necessary C-section birth I still got negative responses."
Though some people would prefer not to have the surgery because there are many health risks, the procedure can also save lives.
Last year, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association looked at nearly 200 countries and found that higher national C-Section rates were positively correlated with decreased maternal and neonatal mortality, but only up to 19 percent.
“On a nationwide level, our findings suggest there are many countries where not enough C-sections are being performed, meaning there is inadequate access to safe and timely emergency obstetrical care, and conversely, there are many countries where more C-sections are likely being performed than yield health benefits,” said study researcher Dr. Alex Haynes said in a release at the time.