Ellen Uses 'Finding Dory' to Explain President Trump’s Travel Ban

When Ellen DeGeneres voiced a cartoon fish in a Pixar film, she likely had no idea that the role would become political. But on Monday, the comedian and Medal of Freedom recipient found herself explaining why "Finding Dory" was similar to the events currently happening in America.
President Donald Trump issued a travel ban on Friday against people from a list of seven Muslim countries from entering or re-entering the United States for 90 days, in addition to banning Syrian refugees for an indefinite amount of time. There is also a ban on refugees entering the country for 120 days.
The order sparked protests at major airports across the country.
Over the weekend, it was reported that President Trump was hosting a family movie night.
Multiple news outlets reported the movie being screened in The White House was 2016's "Finding Dory," starring Ellen DeGeneres as the voice of the eponymous lost fish.
The Hill reported, "White House staff and family members watched the film at 3 p.m. while hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered across the country to protest Trump’s executive order."
On her TV show, DeGeneres shared her thoughts about Trump watching "Dory."
"Over the weekend, on Friday, the President gave an order banning people from seven countries from entering the United States, including people with green cards," DeGeneres said. "And then on Saturday, the President screened 'Finding Dory' at The White House. I don't get political, but I will say, I am against one of those two things."
She then broke down the plot of "Finding Dory."
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"... 'Finding Dory' is about a fish named Dory, and Dory lives in Australia, and these are her parents, and they live in America, and I don't know what religion they are, but her dad sounds a little Jewish, doesn't matter," DeGeneres said. "Dory arrives in America with her friends, Marlon and Nemo, and she ends up at the Marine Life Institute behind a large wall. And they all have to get over the wall. And you won't believe it but, that wall has almost no effect in keeping them out."
She continued:
"Even though Dory gets into America, she ends up separated from her family, but the other animals help Dory. Animals that don't even need her, animals that don't even have anything in common with her. They help her even though they're completely different colors, because that's what you do when you see someone in need: you help them."
Her final thought? "So that is what I hope everyone who's watching 'Finding Dory' has learned."