The Victory Trump Supporters Will Be Celebrating This Week
President Donald Trump is touting the return of manufacturing amid widespread criticism over his decision to ban transgender individuals from the military.
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On Wednesday, Trump announced that the Chinese company Foxconn, which produces electronics such as Apple products, would be building a factory in Wisconsin. The company claims it will create as many as 13,000 jobs after initially hiring 3,000 people.
Though the announcement of the proposed $10 billion investment was buried amid reports about the president's abrupt ban on transgender soldiers, many of his supports took notice.
The deal, if completed, would represent a win for the Trump administration, which has repeatedly promised to bring back jobs to the U.S., particularly in the manufacturing industry. Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who is also a senior advisor in the White House, and Reed Cordish, an assistant to the president, worked to land the Foxconn deal over the past few months, The Wall Street Journal reported.
But celebrations over the deal may be premature given Foxconn's track record on following through with grandiose plans.
Over the past four years, the company has pledged to invest millions of dollars and create tens of thousands of jobs in places ranging from Pennsylvania to Indonesia and Vietnam. Those deals never came together, however, an investigation from The Washington Post found.
Foxconn has also been widely criticized for its corporate practices
After media reports that more than a dozen Foxconn workers committed suicide in 2010, the company responded to the suicides by raising wages—and installing "suicide nets" at certain factories, which were meant to catch employees before the fell to their death.
It's unclear whether the deal forged with Trump administration officials and Foxconn will prove different. In the meantime, Trump supports appear to be taking him for his word, even while officials in the manufacturing industry express caution.
"I’ll be excited about this Foxconn announcement when I see actual paychecks going to workers in Wisconsin," Scott Paul, president of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, told The Huffington Post.