Dr. Dre's Words On Race Are Worth Your Attention

N.W.A. rappers Ice Cube, MC Ren, and DJ Yella performed "Fuck Tha Police," a popular song on their 1988 album "Straight Outta Compton," at the BET Experience live last month alongside footage of Black Lives Matter protests, the McKinney pool party scandal that involved a white officer aggressively interacting with Black teenagers, the officer shooting of unarmed, Black man Walter Scott, Michael Brown, and other recent images depicting police brutality.
In a promotional interview for the upcoming biopic "Straight Outta Compton," former N.W.A. rapper Dr. Dre told the Hollywood Reporter that the group's music of the 1980s and 90s remains relevant today. When "Fuck Tha Police" was released nearly three decades ago, the F.B.I. sent N.W.A. a letter of warning for celebrating "violence and disrespect for authorities," but as one of the characters mentions in the trailer for "Straight Outta Compton," their art was a reflection of their reality as Black individuals living in America.
"It's crazy how we were getting criticized for this years ago," Dr. Dre told the publication. "And now, it's just like, 'OK, we understand.' This movie will keep shining a light on the problem, especially because of all the situations that are happening in Ferguson and here in Los Angeles. It’s definitely going to keep this situation in people’s minds and make sure that everyone out there knows that this is a problem that keeps happening still today."
In the Red Band trailer for the film, Dr. Dre spoke on current racial tensions in the U.S. now compared to when N.W.A. first entered the American music scene.
"We kicked the door down for a lot of artists," Dr. Dre says in the trailer. "The same thing that we was going through in the 80s with the police, people going through right now."
Ice Cube also chimed in, "We put it all in the music, all our frustration and anger, our music was like our weapon."
"Fuck Tha Police" includes lyrics such as, "Lights start flashing behind me/ But they're scared of a n*gger so they mace me to blind me ...They put up my picture with silence/Cause my identity by itself causes violence."
Dr. Dre's comments come around the one-year anniversary of Eric Garner's death and much discussion surrounding the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag.
In the wake of the anniversary of Garner's death, "Orange is the New Black" actor Matt McGorry came forward to explain why the #AllLivesMatter movement diminishes the message behind #BlackLivesMatter.
For more on Eric Garner's story and #BlackLivesMatter, watch ATTN:'s video on what has transpired since Garner's death: