The One Thing Amy Schumer Did Not Say During Her Gun Violence Press Conference

"Trainwreck" star Amy Schumer and her cousin Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-New York), held a press conference Monday calling for stronger background checks on people who want to purchase guns following the shooting at a "Trainwreck" movie theater showing in Louisiana that left two people dead. Speaking at Monday's event, Amy Schumer discussed the tragedy but refused to identify the Louisiana shooter by name, making a subtle but important statement about the consequences of glorifying killers.
"These shootings have got to stop," an emotional Amy Schumer said at the conference. "For me, the pain I share with so many other Americans on the issue of gun violence was made extremely personal to me on July 23 when ... I'm not even going to say his name ... He sat down for my movie 'Trainwreck' at The Grand Theater in Lafayette, Louisiana. Two lives were tragically lost and others injured. And I've thought about these victims each day since the tragedy."
Schumer, who says she has received death threats for her comedy and promises to continue speaking out against gun violence, furthered the notion that mass shooters and killers should not be glorified by the media. As ATTN: noted late last year, Canadian newscaster Rex Murphy made a similar bold move when he refused to name the gunman who carried out a series of horrific shootings in Ottawa. Instead, he noted the incredible life of Corporal Nathan Cirillo, who perished in the shooting. He also commended Canadian House of Commons' sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers, who killed the shooter. Instead, he celebrated the life of Corporal Nathan Cirillo, who was killed in the shooting, and commended Canadian House of Commons' sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers, who killed the shooter.
"The killer was a hateful brute; let us not name him," Murphy said. "But today was not the damn killer's, it produced a master counterexample: the sergeant-at-arms, Mr. Kevin Vickers. Mr. Vickers, the whole country is unanimous on all the matters that count: bravery, duty, selflessness, you are as good as they get. The office of sergeant-at-arms can never have been better filled. So as we mourn the soldier, Corporal Cirillo, let us honor the sergeant, Mr. Vickers. They encompass between them so much of what we Canadians choose to admire and love."
It's standard for news organizations to study the lives and potential motives of people who commit mass killings, but as ATTN: pointed out after the Ottawa tragedy, "the news allocates significantly more time to covering a shooter and his or her grisly antics than focusing on the more important question of how to solve or prevent such massacres. The fixation on the killer makes them an anti-hero celebrity of sorts, which only signifies to other unstable people that they can achieve fame and validation for mass-murder."
Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Park Dietz has previously suggested heavier reporting on the communities impacted by these mass tragedies and not on the shooters themselves.
“Every time we have intense saturation of coverage of a mass-murder we expect to see one or two more within a week," Dietz said. "If you don’t want to propagate more mass murders, don't start the story with sirens blaring, don't have photographs of the killer, don't make this 24/7 coverage."
Last year, researchers at Texas State University found that many mass shooters are motivated by the idea of fame and have drawn inspiration from other killers. The findings revealed that the media's way of rushing to explore more about the shooter could fuel other potential killers to carry out their acts of violence.
"When the media covers it, it unfortunately puts ideas in people's heads," Chris Combs, special agent in charge of the San Antonio FBI field office, told KSAT last year.
Dr. Pete Blair, who works with TSU's ALERRT Center, shared a similar message with the news outlet.
"We think that encourages future attackers because they say I can get that fame that notoriety by doing that," Dr. Blair said. "We understand that the events have to be covered, but it shouldn't be a glamor piece making this person the center point of the story. We'd much rather see stories about the heroes and the victims and those sorts of things."
Last year, the FBI and TSU started a campaign called "Don't Name Them" to urge media outlets not to glorify shooters and potentially provoke more violence.