Why a Charlie Hebdo Cartoonist Won't Pray for Paris

Cartoonist Joann Sfar went viral on Friday night after releasing a cartoon about the problem with the trending #PrayforParis hashtag, which Sfar is against because he says "we don't need more religion" at this time.
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The cartoon, which is a response to the horrific Friday attacks in Paris, received more than 11,000 likes on Instagram and started a debate on how helpful it is to promote prayer during unthinkably tragic moments.
The cartoon itself brings up France's current history of anti-Muslim discrimination and also raises a valid point considering that radical Islamic militants often draw on religion as a driving force behind these attacks. In the hours following, many have jumped to blame Muslims and/or refugees who have in recent months fled to Europe from war-torn areas effected by extremists such as Iraq, Syria, Africa, and elsewhere to escape violence and war.
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Sfar's comic, however, successfully created #ParisIsAboutLife, an alternative for those who don't want to share the hashtag #PrayforParis:
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Early reports indicate that the self-proclaimed Islamic State, also known as ISIS, claimed responsibility for the deadly attacks that erupted across Paris Friday night, leaving 127 dead. ISIS (also known as ISIL or IS) is a Sunni militant group seeking to create its own state, governed by their interpretation of the Laws of the Quran, and to destroy all other branches of Islam as well as convert or destroy all non-Muslims.