Muslims Stand Up To ISIS With Viral Hashtag #NotInMyName

The series of attacks in Paris that killed at least 129 and shocked the world on Friday, has prompted many to point the finger at Muslims—especially after the Islamic State (also known as ISIL and ISIS) claimed responsibility for the attacks over the weekend.
ISIS, of course, is an extreme group that does not represent the majority of people who practice Islam, and many Muslims are using the hashtag #NotInMyName to reiterate this and call out the horrific actions of ISIS.
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Active Change Foundation launched the #NotInMyName Twitter campaign last year, and it has since resurfaced to relay to people all over that Muslims are not synonymous with ISIS.
#NotInMyName posts following the Paris attacks.
The history of #NotInMyName.
Following ISIS' murder of David Haines and the kidnapping of Alan Hemming, who they ultimately killed as well, Active Change Foundation created #NotInMyName in fall 2014 to condemn the actions of ISIS.
ALSO: A Visual Explanation of the Different Branches of Islam
"The murder of an innocent man has no justification in any religion or walk of life," founder Hanif Qadir told the Mirror last September. "These terrorists ISIS are not true Muslims, they do not practice the true teachings of Islam; peace, mercy and compassion and they are the enemy of all mankind.”
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Following Friday's attacks, #Muslims and "Muslims" began trending on social media, with many pleading with others not to demonize all Muslims in the wake of the tragedies. Muslims and #Muslims went viral before ISIS took responsibility for the attacks.