Pornhub Raises $35,000 With Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

Say what you want about Pornhub, the adult entertainment website has a lot of eyeballs. The company revealed exclusively to ATTN: that their new philanthropic subset, Pornhub Cares, raised $35,000 through their “Save the Boobs” initiative, which launched in October for Breast Cancer Awareness month. (That's a total of 104,562,744 views through the month of October, in case you're wondering.)
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For every 30 views in Pornhub's "Big Tits' or "Small Tits" category, one cent was set aside. That's how the $35,000 was raised and is being offered to any breast cancer foundations interested in accepting the money.
But it’s not as easy to give the money away as you would think.
Pornhub - pornhub.comATTN: previously reported that the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure rejected Pornhub’s $75,000 in charity money in October of 2012.
"Susan G. Komen for the Cure is not a partner of,” a Komen spokesperson responded via email to the Huffington Post’s request for comment. “We will not accept donations from this organization and have asked them to stop using our name.”
The $75,000 was instead split up and given to three smaller non-profits, including Eileen Stein Jacoby Fund and Cancer Sucks!, which each accepted checks for $25,000 each, the New York Post reports.
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Others have argued that Pornhub is exploiting young people through some of the other philanthropic efforts they have recently launched, like their $25,000 college scholarship and their testicular awareness campaign, "Save the Balls." When Pornhub launched a charity endeavor to plant trees, an Arbor Day group accepted a donation, though they didn't want Pornhub to publicly identify it, the New York Post notes.
So what does Pornhub have to say about all of this?
Pornhub Cares Girl -
ATTN: had the chance to ask Corey Price, the Vice President of Pornhub, a few questions about why the company is extending its philanthropic arm, if Millennials should care, and how Pornhub Cares respond to their critics.
ATTN: Can you elaborate on why breast cancer is an important issue to Pornhub Cares?
CP: Breast cancer is an issue that touches the lives of tens of millions around the world. It does not discriminate and stops at nothing, unfortunately. Back in September when we launched Pornhub Cares, our main mission was to give back to communities and people in need by using our resources. Considering the statistics – that breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in women, it was undoubtedly something we wanted to involve ourselves with.
ATTN: Do you think that sexual health is touched on enough in the public? Is there an audience you're specifically trying to reach with this message?
CP: Sexual health will never be talked about enough, but thankfully it is becoming more and more of a hot topic. We believe that by engaging with the public through the various initiatives we find ourselves helming, that we’re helping to open up the conversation and break down the barriers surrounding sexual health in general.
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ATTN: Many of your viewers are Millennials. Why do you think this issue is important to them?
CP: Millennials are often known for championing their individual social causes passionately. We want breast cancer to be one of them, not just through October and Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but year round. If we can spur them to have discussions about breast cancer and proactively take part in fighting back through spreading awareness and self-examination, then we’ve done our job.
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ATTN: Some critics have said that fundraising initiatives like 'Save the Boobs' shouldn't be started by Pornhub because these initiatives are trying to "normalize" porn, which they argue inherently objectifies women. What is your response to that?
CP: People are entitled to their opinions. We are not here to change them. I just hope people can understand the sincerity in our endeavor. There are no subliminal messages here. The only point of our effort is to raise money and awareness towards a cause that has taken so many lives and devastated millions of people around the world. I hope people can see that.
ATTN: Is there anything else you believe people should know?
CP: I really want to drive home the importance of self-examination in early detection. There is an instructional video on our campaign page which demonstrates the correct method for anyone that isn’t sure. It could save your life!
Breast cancer foundations interested in accepting the $35,000 donation are asked to email