
Kylie Jenner's Latest Magazine Cover Is Causing Outrage

December 1st 2015

Reality TV star Kylie Jenner has come under fire for posing in a wheelchair on the cover of Interview magazine, with many arguing that it's disrespectful to make a disability seem fashionable.

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How people reacted to Kylie Jenner's wheelchair photo:

Others argued that the shoot wasn't a huge deal and that it's possible Jenner might not have chosen to sit in a wheelchair for the shoot. Despite this, some thought it went too far and that an individual as famous as Jenner surely has the power to decline photo shoot terms if she finds them offensive or troubling:

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As Nylon points out in a lengthy discussion about the cover, this is not the first time that high fashion has used wheelchairs and crutches as props. And the vitriol from Nylon is aimed at the photographer:

"This is imagery we've seen before in French Vogue, Gaga videos, Steven Klein's previous projects, and elsewhere to good effect. Here though, the whole point is to piss people off and to draw attention, and it all comes at the cost of potentially hurting the feelings of people who've already been given a tough row to hoe. This was custom designed for headlines which would be fine if it wasn't also designed to aggravate people who've done nothing but get stuck in a wheelchair."

Jenner recently voiced support for people who are bullied for being different and having disabilities. Jenner shared an Instagram post of Lizzie Velasquez, a young woman who was unfairly labeled the "world's ugliest woman" online because she suffers from neonatal progeroid syndrome, a genetic condition that impacts her looks and prevents her from putting on weight. Jenner included Velasquez's story as part of her anti-harassment campaign, #IAmMoreThan, which inspired a few people with disabilities to share their stories on social media as well.

"Lizzie, you are so strong and I admire you so so much," Jenner wrote on Instagram in September. "Lizzie has taken that negative energy and has turned it around by traveling around the world doing motivational speeches."

ALSO: Lizzie Velasquez's Perfect Response to Being Called The "World's Ugliest Woman"

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