These Are The Most Instagrammed Places In Every State
With more than 400 million users, Instagram is one of the most enduring and popular apps around. While many people use Instagram to document everyday things like buying coffee and meeting up with friends, it's also common for people to take Instagram photos when they visit cool places. That's why bus ticket booking service, BusBud put together an extensive list of the most Instagrammed locations by state.
"The most common attractions on our list: the numerous parks and geographic landmarks found across the nation," BusBud's website states. "The National Park Service alone covers 408 different areas in the U.S. and its territories, and all are worthy of a visit."
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BusBud came to its findings by using the location type and name of popular locations on TripAdvisor in both the U.S. and Canada to determine which spots produced the most hashtags for Instagram posts. BusBud ranked these posts in every state, province, and territory. It's no surprise that tourist attractions were among the most Instagrammed locations by state. Disneyland, the Vegas Strip, Fenway Park, the Empire State Building, the White House, and the Space Needle were all the most Instagrammed spots in their respective states:
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Of the most Instagrammed locations across the U.S., parks and state parks topped the list. Historic sites were also popular places to Instagram:
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As ATTN: noted in a previous post, Instagram was created by by Stanford graduate Kevin Systrom, who had no formal computer science training but learned to code on his own. He initially came up with an app called Burbn that enabled users to check in to locations, make plans with friends, post photos, and gain points for socializing with these friends. He eventually reworked his initial idea to create Instagram, which has an emphasis on photos. Instagram debuted in October 2010.
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Here are some Instagram photos of the most Instagrammed locations by state: