We Talked to a Ben & Jerry's Co-Founder About His Controversial New Ice Cream Flavor

The co-founder of Ben & Jerry's, Ben Cohen, made headlines this week after he announced the creation of a Bernie Sanders-themed ice cream flavor, Bernie's Yearning. The symbolic pint consists of plain mint ice cream with a thin layer of solid chocolate on top, representing the disproportionate wealth possessed by the top 1 percent of Americans.
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It's not an official Ben & Jerry's flavor since Cohen and co-founder Jerry Greenfield sold the company in 2000, but Bernie's Yearning has generated excitement nonetheless. "Nothing is so unstoppable as a flavor whose time has finally come," Cohen wrote in a Facebook post on Monday. Ben & Jerry's is based in Burlington, Vermont, where Sanders has previously served as the mayor and senator.
There are instructions on how to eat the ice cream, which is styled after the Democratic presidential candidate: You're supposed to whack the top layer of chocolate with a spoon and mix (i.e. distribute) it in the mint base, a symbolic gesture that reflects the Vermont senator's proposed tax policy, which he says would reduce the country's income inequality.
"[Sanders has] been so incredibly consistent over the past 30 years about his values and this issue of economic disparity and the horror that the U.S. has the biggest spread between rich and poor of any industrialized democracy," Cohen told ATTN:. "As Bernie has said just about every time he speaks, is that it’s not about him, it’s about us."
"What we need is a political revolution, and in order for that to happen, all the people that work to get him elected and contribute to his campaign need to continue to support him when he becomes president. It’s that active, public movement that will enable him to overcome," Cohen added.
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Cohen says that only 40 pints of Bernie's Yearning will be made, with 25 pints going to the candidate's campaign. The remaining 15 pints will go to the winners of a contest.