What's The Most Popular Age For Women To Get Pregnant Around The World?
As more opportunities become available for women around the world, the days of getting married and starting a family young may be coming to an end. Things like education and job opportunities continue to influence when and if women decide to start a family. For example, women who are the most educated are still the most likely not to have children. But even so, many women still dream of bringing a child into the world.
Here is one chart that reveals the most popular ages for women to give birth to their first child across the globe. The ages range from 18-31.2 years and the chart includes data from 141 countries. The data comes from the "CIA World Factbook, UNICEF, China Sixth Nationwide Census," according to Chartmix the chart's creator.
Chartmix.co - chartmix.co
Out of all the countries, Angola has the youngest pregnancy age. On average Angolan women give birth to their first child at 18 years old. In contrast, Greece is the slowest nation to become pregnant, with Grecian women typically giving birth to their first child at 31.2 years.
But if you don't live in Angola or Greece, the average age for a woman to get pregnant is 24 or 25, and age 25 is the most popular age for American women to start a family. In fact, it's more common for Western women to become pregnant later in life. For example, women in Italy, France, Canada, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, and the United Kingdom tend to become pregnant at age 27 or older.
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In developed Asian countries such as South Korea and areas like Hong Kong this is also the trend. On average, women in these countries give birth to their first child at 29 and higher.
But strangely there is also a trend in countries that have the youngest ages for first-time pregnancies. Socially liberal countries tend to have children later in life, while poorer countries tend to have children earlier on. With the exception of India and Bangladesh, the women who become first-time moms at ages 18 and 19 are in mainly African countries.
But society is moving away from having children early on in life, due to the spread of contraception and the adoption of progressive ideas about relationships. For instance, more people have embraced non-marital sex and there is not as much pressure for women to bear children. Not to mention, "parenthood gradually ceases to be the main and universal goal in the lives of men and women, and is no longer considered a precondition for achieving happiness and self-fulfilment," according to a 2010 report from the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Moreover, the report explains that childbearing has become more of an economic decision, where couples strategically plan based on their economic condition and lifestyle.