Why These Men in Robot Costumes Were Standing Outside a Marco Rubio Event
BEDFORD, N.H. — Men dressed in shoddy cardboard robot costumes stood outside a town hall event Sunday morning to mock GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio. During Saturday night's eighth Republican debate in nearby Manchester, the Florida senator and presidential candidate was criticized for his repetitive, robotic answers.
Rubio was criticized after a weaker-than-expected showing at Saturday night's debate, during which he repeatedly used a talking point as an answer to address President Barack Obama's political aims.
The demonstrators, who were sent by the American Bridge political action committee, hammered home the critique that Rubio was "Marco Roboto," and their costumes featured "Rubio Talking Point 3000" scrawled in Sharpie.
Rubio's GOP rival, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie used a similar criticism on Saturday, and it has become a familiar dig at the one-term senator, along with the accusation that he is too young and inexperienced.
/Alex Mierjeski
Rubio supporters milling about outside the town hall event at McKelvie Intermediate School on Sunday said the critique was an inaccurate reading of the candidate's strategy.
"While he did repeat himself, I think he did finally make his point, and that's really what was important," said Josh Padron, a volunteer in his 20s with the Rubio campaign.
"I thought he was trying to make make a point," added another supporter, Ben Westbrook, who walked to the event with his young son from their house nearby. "It did come across as a little repetitive, but he was being cross-examined by a professional prosecutor, so I didn't think it was that big of a deal."
An American Bridge spokesperson confirmed to ATTN: that the PAC was behind the "Rubiobots," saying that the candidate is "about as presidential as the latest version of Siri when he's forced off of his stump speech." Despite the crude costumes, the liberal-leaning group has spent more than $10 million on the 2016 election so far.
Multiple associated Twitter accounts posted pictures of them:
Here's the talking point in question from Saturday night's debate: