We Asked Hardcore Bernie Supporters If They Will Vote for Hillary

This is a tough primary election for Sen. Bernie Sanders supporters right now. Sanders trails Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic nomination by 744 delegates. He needs a total of 2,383 delegates to secure the Democratic nomination, which translates to winning 60 percent of votes going forward in order to secure the nomination, according to The New York Times.
In an effort to keep energy levels high, Sanders went on a seemingly greatest hits tour of the issues Wednesday night in Los Angeles. He talked about police brutality, calling for a demilitarization of police forces and encouraged communities to hire racially diverse officers. He also emphasized education and the student loan crisis.
“Why are we punishing millions of people because they got an education?” he said.
/Danielle DeCourcey
After a supporter in the crowd screamed “Bernie, I love you” Sanders returned the favor. “From up here, you may not know how beautiful all of you look,” he said.
All of the supporters ATTN: spoke to at the rally were confident that Sanders could pull out the win, and most of them were not fans of Clinton. Even if Sanders loses the nomination several supporters said they would not vote for Clinton. The most common opinion from Sanders supporters was that they do not trust the former secretary of state and that they consider her to be too “establishment.” But you don’t have to hear it from us. Here are the Sanders supporters:
John Ayala is a 25-year-old UCLA student.
/Danielle DeCourcey
Ayala likes Sanders because “he’s not someone who’s going to be bought” and he supports Sanders' positions on immigration. He said that he personally knows people affected by the immigration laws in the U.S. “They have family that’s right now being divided,” he said. Ayala would not vote for Clinton if Sanders loses the nomination. “Hillary is going to flip-flop for special interests,” he said.
Nancy Kim, 27, hails from Koreatown in Los Angeles.
/Danielle DeCourcey
She was also very excited about the purchase of this pink campaign shirt. “Is it too much pink?” Kim called Sanders “the only trustworthy candidate.” She said that a big issue for her is campaign finance reform and she believes that Sanders is the only candidate with integrity on the issue. She came to the rally for other Koreans in Los Angeles. “I came to represent my people,” she said. “They deserve to hear the truth.” However Kim said despite her problems with Clinton, she would vote for the other Democratic candidate to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.
Ashlyn Ramirez, 23, drove two hours to see Sanders in San Diego and another two hours to see him in Los Angeles.
/Danielle DeCourcey
She’s motivated by her passion for the Sanders campaign. “He just really struck a cord with me and I just really want him to be my president,” she said. Ramirez dislikes Clinton so much that even if Sanders loses the nomination she will vote for him anyway. “I don’t trust Hillary and right now I don’t really trust the media too much either so I will be writing in for Bernie,” she said.
Leticia Barraza, 34, came to the rally to support Sanders and to represent Latinas.
/Danielle DeCourcey
She said that although she was fortunate enough to receive scholarship money for college, many students are struggling to get their education, and believes that Sanders will address that problem effectively.
“Tuition for students is very important,” she said. As far as voting for Clinton if Sanders is no longer in the running, she’s not sure.
“I have to give that some thought,” she said.
Vanessa Bustamante, 24, thinks Sanders still has a strong chance for the Democratic nomination.
/ Danielle DeCourcey
“I just think he does have a perfect chance especially among the people he’s reaching out to,” she said. “Once people realize what he’s all about and what’s going to improve this country I think he’ll start gaining more support.” Bustamante would not vote for Clinton because she would not want a president “who’s been caught up in lies.”
Zaquay Cage, 26, is a college student in Los Angeles.
Danielle DeCourcey
He supports Sanders because of his views on racial justice and economic inequality. There's only one other person besides Sanders he would vote for and it's not Clinton.
"I don't believe in Hillary or what she says," he said. "John Kasich would be the only other person."
Estela Avalos is a 28-year-old UCLA graduate who came to the rally for inspiration.
Danielle DeCourcey
Avalos said she needed to "feel the Bern" with like-minded people. "Some people in my household and even my friends think he has no chance," she said. "It's not too late!" Avalos would vote for Clinton to keep Trump out of office.
Rachel Carlson, 35, plans to dance "Bernlesque" to raise funds for the Sanders campaign.
/Danielle DeCourcey
Carlson is a dancer with the Burlesque troupe Brazen Booties and next month they're putting on a show called "Bernlesque" in honor of Sanders in Los Angeles. It will be a variety show with dancing, music and comedy. She thinks Sanders can still win. "I really do, especially if we get the momentum in California," she said. If Sanders loses the nomination Carlson would vote for Hillary depending on her running mate. "If she chooses somebody progressive like Elizabeth Warren, maybe."
Talor Alexander Williams is 27 years old and thinks Sanders is the most honest candidate.
/Danielle DeCourcey
He said that campaign finance is an important issue to him and if Sanders is no longer in the race, he will not vote for Clinton or any other candidate from the two main parties. Instead he would vote for Jill Stein of the Green Party. "I think if we don't get Bernie we deserve Trump," he said. "Hillary is a band aid on the wounds of America."