People Are Sharing This Hilarious 2016 Flow Chart to Instruct You on Your Vote
Presidential elections can be confusing. Which candidate represents your best interests? How do you make sure that you make the right decision? Electronics designer and "enthusiast of rock 'n' roll, mountaineering, and railroads," Chris Lay, wants to help you.
He made this hilarious flow chart that begins with "Is shit broken?" and then flows down to other humorous options like "Who did it?" and "When is Jesus Coming Back?"
Other social media users were big fans of Lay's attempt to simplify #Decision2016.
Facebook/Brooks Martin -
The flowchart offers a stark and simple analysis of the election. Candidates Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) see the world as broken, and will apply varying levels of commitment to religious faith to solve things. Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) also sees a broken system, but for him the answers lies in reform of the big banks. Former Secretary of State Hillary and Clinton and Ohio Gov. John Kasich both think things are more or less just fine. However, if you agree with those candidates, Lay's flowchart indicates that your stance on women's rights should probably be your guide.
Simple enough, right?
Who is a hero this election season? I think we all know the answer.
Twitter/Chris Lay -