A Brewery Owner's Response to a Sexist Customer
An Indianapolis brewery owner is earning viral fame for his Facebook post calling out sexist customers who harass the women who serve them.
"Today I had to explain to a 60 year old man why he was banned from the pub," the post on Jordan Gleason's page begins.
Gleason, a founder of the Black Acre Brewing Company, goes on to list the daily forms of harassment women industry workers face from men who view them as objects.
"The sheer number of times [female bar employees] get groped, or harassed, or treated like objects would blow your mind," the post reads. "The worst part of it is how normal their harassers think their behavior is. Every single lady in here handles it with grace and aplomb, and I applaud them for it."
The April 1 post has been shared about 20,000 times, suggesting that the problems highlighted by Gleason are all too common in the service industry.
Gleason's post also highlights the excuses hecklers give when he is called over to speak with them about their offensive behavior.
"Every single fucking time they attempt to appeal to me solely because I'm a man. They try to weasel in with me about how the women are asking for it."
"To every dude out there, we need to fucking combat this disease like its the god damned plague that it is," the post reads.
Flickr/Bryan Ledgard - flic.kr
"We need to open our eyes and fight it everywhere we see it, because the only way this thing gets better is to start calling it out for what it is," he says.
The research backs up Gleason's post.
Gleason's anger isn't unfounded. Women in the service industry, especially servers, face high rates of sexual harassment, according to research by worker's advocacy groups. One report from the Restaurant Opportunities Centers United found that 80 percent of waitresses claim they have been harassed on the job.
"You can pretty much ask anyone in the restaurant industry and they'll tell you that dealing with being groped, uncomfortably hit on, being told to wear tight clothes and show more cleavage, and even currying favor with your managers and co-workers to get the best shifts for tips — that's all just 'part of the job,'" ROC spokeswoman Maria Myotte told ATTN: last year.