7 Illustrations Show What It's Like to Have a Panic Attack
April 29th 2016

For anyone who hasn't experienced a panic attack — a form of anxiety characterized by intense physical and cognitive distress — it can be hard to imagine what it feels like to suffer this sudden surge of fear and discomfort. Fortunately, there are plenty of creative people who have had panic attacks, and they've illustrated the experience for the rest of us.
Stocksy/Guille Faingold -
These seven illustrations show what its like to have a panic attack.
1. It can happen to anyone, but panic attacks are the defining feature of panic disorder which impacts an estimated six million Americans.
Deviant Art/JammyScribbler -
2. Panic disorder is commonly accompanied by major depression, and women are about twice as likely to suffer from it, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
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3. Symptoms of a panic attack include shortness of breath, heart palpitations, chest pain, trembling, sweating, and nausea.
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4. While people sometimes mistake panic attacks for heart attacks, they are not physically dangerous.
Manatee Power -
5. In fact, most panic attacks last between 10 to 20 minutes — though some can last hours.
Steve Salo -
6. Stigmas about anxiety disorders, including panic attacks, can make people feel less inclined to seek treatment.
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