This Mom Just Nailed How to Parent Their Trans Teen
Get ready for all of the tears, folks. Good ones, though, because this mother of a transgender boy just nailed parenting in a single Facebook update, and the world would do well to have more parents like her.
This is my mom. I am crying.
— Casper (@ghstbxy) February 13, 2015
Transgender teen Casper Morvant sent out a tweet on Thursday evening highlighting his mother's own moving acceptance and announcement of their son's transition from Brooke to Casper:
To my friends: we have a boy! On September 15, 1999... We had our second boy. We just didn't know it at the time. Through a long journey and education we now know this beyond a doubt. Brooke is no longer. He goes by the name of Casper Morvant now. If you're curious or just want to know more about our transgender male son, google: transgender. Please respect the pronouns. You don't have to understand or agree, but please respect the differences in others. For those who are already a part of our lives, thanks for all of your support.
So in case you were wondering: yes, good things happen. Sure, it feels as though equality creeps forward slowly and one uneasily footed step at a time.
Editor's Update: 3/31/15: We've also seen progress in the world of higher education as five women's colleges are now admitting transgender people: Bryn Mawr, Mount Holyoke, Mills, Scripps, and Simmons. Some high schools have also begun properly acknowledging transgender students during graduation ceremonies.
Even the comic book world is a better place for trans people after Marvel introduced a trans character.
Where these is still room for improvement.
When it comes to public restrooms, trans people are often treated like second-class citizens. Some states and cities have gone so far as to ban transgender people from using bathrooms that don’t correspond to their birth gender. Kentucky's Senate just passed a bill that would prohibit transgender students from using gendered bathrooms in public schools that do not correspond to the student's birth gender. (This bill is not expected to pass the Democratic-controlled House.) In other places, like West Hollywood, Calif., cites have gone the other direction and mandated gender-neutral bathrooms.
Here's an ATTN: video on the topic:
Trans people are still fighting more subtle discrimination in the U.S. One of our writers recently detailed the process of acquiring a passport that properly identifies gender:
As I book my own appointment to change the gender on my passport for an upcoming trip, I’m faced with an array of hurdles. Despite having a driver’s license with an “M,” I’m waiting for a doctor’s note to certify that I’ve “undergone appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition” - whatever that means. I can’t renew my existing passport via the standard process and must instead go in person with my letter to prove my new gender.
And if my doctor decided that my identity was “in process” rather than “complete”? (How exactly does one “complete” gender?) I would only receive a two-year “limited-validity” passport that would revert to my original gender without another letter from my physician. I also need to update my legal gender at other federal agencies, such as Social Security, in the right order to avoid no-match problems in their databases. Each has their own criteria and process, creating a frustrating and time-consuming labyrinth of paperwork for any transperson.