
Amber Heard Just Revealed the Reason She's No Longer Asking Johnny Depp for Spousal Support

June 15th 2016

The ongoing divorce battle between actress Amber Heard and Johnny Depp, whom Heard is accusing of domestic abuse, just took another troubling turn.

Amber Heard and Johnny DeppBigStockPhoto

Since Heard's abuse allegations surfaced several weeks ago in the wake of their separation announcement, some have argued that the actress is strategically trying to get Depp's money, among other things. In response to these comments, Heard has withdrawn her spousal support request, arguing that it may “distract and divert the public away from the very real issue of domestic violence," Heard stated in court papers, according to BuzzFeed News:

“In light of the coordinated false and negative media campaign falsely depicting my attempts to attain a CLETS Domestic Violence Order as being financially motivated, I am hereby withdrawing my request."

CLETS is an acronym for California Law Electronic Telecommunications System, and refers to a more severe type of restraining order that shows up on the accused's background check and prevents them from possessing a firearm.

In the midst of her divorce filing, Heard submitted a photo of herself with bruising on her face:

Amber HeardAP Images

Depp's supporters have publicly questioned the validity of Heard's allegations.

In late May, Depp's lawyer, Laura Wasser wrote in a court motion that Heard was “attempting to secure a premature financial resolution by alleging abuse." Comedian Doug Stanhope, who is friends with Depp, wrote a piece for The Wrap several days later alleging that Heard was blackmailing her husband, prompting Heard to sue Stanhope for defamation.

iO Tillett Wright, an activist and friend of the Depp family, recently responded to the controversy in an emotional Refinery29 article about calling 9-1-1 for a domestic abuse victim. Though Wright did not use names in the piece, it was interpreted by many as a story about Heard and Depp's separation. Wright wrote that the "media circus" has sent women everywhere a discouraging message about what might happen if they speak up about being abused:

"Right now, every battered woman in the world is watching this media circus, internalizing the message that when they come forward for help, when they break the cycle, they will be called a gold digger, a cheater, and be accused of having faked it all for attention."

MORE: Amber Heard's Friend Describes the Devastating Impact Her Situation Has on Abused Women Everywhere

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