
John Oliver is Coming for You Next, Big Tobacco Companies

February 16th 2015

Did you know that a tobacco company is able to sue a country with health laws that detrimentally affect the tobacco business? And friendlier nations can hop on board the Good Ship Sue-Em-All to join in on the madness? No wonder John Oliver's decided to tackle the hold these greedy, grimy tobacco companies.

Proving that last week's attack on Big Pharma was just the beginning, on Sunday night's Last Week Tonight, Oliver threw down the gauntlet and let 'em have it. And thank goodness for that because some of the stuff Philip Morris International is doing to countries that can't compete with their $80 billion in revenues, is downright appalling. From beating up on Uruguay to bullying poor Togo (to say nothing of the garbage being thrown Australia's way), these predatory, selfish, and disgusting actions are unconscionable any way you slice it. Which is exactly why we're thrilled Oliver and his disgustingly hilarious new mascot, Jeff the Diseased Lung in a Cowboy Hat, are on the charge.

Yes, that's right: Oliver has taken Jeff the Diseased Lung in a Cowboy Hat to the streets (of Uruguay and Togo) as a manner of protest against the misdeeds of big tobacco and the way in which they attempt to dismantle public health laws in the name of selling more cigarettes. And you know what? We welcome Jeff into this brave new world, with arms that are open (but kept at a safe distance because nobody wants emphysema, right?).

#JeffWeCan! #JeffWeCan! Don't be a MAYBE (oooh see what he did there, PM? He used your words against you) when it comes to taking on Big Tobacco.

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