The New York Daily News Takes Aim at Donald Trump

The New York Daily News' Thursday cover takes aim at Donald Trump's lack of support among Black voters, according to a poll from Quinnipiac that was released on Wednesday.
"Orange is Not the New Black," the headline reads. "Only 1% of African-Americans back Trump in latest poll."
The poll is the latest in a series of surveys that show Trump polling poorly among minority groups, including Hispanics. Quinnipiac's poll found that only one percent of Black voters back Trump, whereas 91 percent support his opponent, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Among Hispanics, Trump has 33 percent support to Clinton's 50 percent.
Trump defended his polling among Hispanics during an appearance on Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor on Wednesday.
"I think it’s Quinnipiac where I’m at 33 percent — I’m at 33 percent with Hispanic," Trump said. "Now I’m 6 or 7 or 8 points higher than Romney was. And you know, if I listen to you, in all fairness, a few months ago, I was going to get nothing with Hispanic. But I’m up to like 33 percent."
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"Trump’s pathetic polling with black voters is worse even than his standing with Hispanics — even though he has vowed to build a wall on the Mexican border, and spewed racist attacks at the Hispanic-American judge overseeing Trump University lawsuits," The Daily News reports.
The paper also notes that former Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and John McCain received 4 and 6 percent of the vote, respectively, from Black voters in their general election bids.